Monday 27 July 2015

How To Have a Dump Of Your Blog Posts & Comments (For Blogger/Blogspot Users)

The Blogger / Blogspot platform from Google had

been very dependable by its users for a very long

time now, unlike WordPress which uses Hosting to

run their platform, Blogger is cheaper to control

and does not require hosting, so we hardly ever

get issues concerning our blogs, still we have to

accept the fact that anything can happen to your

blog anytime without your notice.

So many bloggers have lost their blogs in different

ways, some were due to their own mistakes,

others, were for unknown errors that can best be

explained by Google.

Meanwhile, as an inspiring professional Blogger,

there are certain IMPORTANT Activities and Check

ups you need to be doing periodically, Backing Up

your entire blog is one of them, in this post, I'm

sharing with us how we can do it, so you can

- Save a Complete copy of your entire blog posts

and Comments in your hard drive

- Upload the posts to a new blogger blog, or add

the posts to a Pre-existing one, it's really Simple.

Login to your Blogger Dashboard

*Settings >> Other >> Find - Import

Blog - Export blog - Delete blog

To save all the copy of your blog posts

with comments Click Export blog

To upload the entire Blogger to a New

one after saving to your hard drive,

click Import blog

You've worked hard writing and publishing

unique stuff for your audience, this hard work

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